Miel et produits à base du miel
Magic pots with honey, 100% natural, produced in the Romanian mountains by families of beekeepers with tradition and love for their work. With an exquisite taste and a wide selection of flavours, our honey and honey-based products are going to surprise your taste buds.

Miel d'acacia 140g

Energisante Naturel 230g

Miel Mille Fleurs 400/700g
À partir de €8,90

Miel Mille Fleurs 140g

Miel de colza 400g/1kg
À partir de €8,90

Miel de colza 140g

Miel d'acacia 400/700g
À partir de €9,90

Miel de tilleul 400/700g
À partir de €8,90

Nid d'abeille 140g

Miel de framboise 400g

Miel de tilleul 140g