Happy World Bee Day 2020

Today is the “World Bee Day” and probably many of us would not even know it. However, without these little creatures, we would probably lose the food we need and love, like nutritious fruits and vegetables, honey, jam and even chocolate!

Just stop for a moment today and observe the insects at work. They work hard and they don’t hurt anyone. Isn’t this in itself a lesson? We probably have so many other things to learn from the bees, the way they organise their world and their life in the hive.

In many places in Europe, we have already lost a lot of pollinators, and we keep losing more. 1 in 3 bee and butterfly species are in serious trouble. And again, this might sound as a small issue compared to the world’s troubles these days.

How can you help: grow native plants in different colours and shapes, and don’t use chemicals harmful to insects. Another way to help is by supporting the small apicultures by buying their honey and honey-based products. They respect the bees and they provide for us natural, healthy products.

Magic Roots is bringing all the way from the mountains of Romania the best and most natural honey pots. We chose carefully two small producers, which have a family tradition in apiculture. They create every year small quantities of honey and some of those special jars from this small production line are now available in Belgium, in our shop.

You will find a selection of natural honey made out of different flower plants available in different quantities. By purchasing this, you are going to experience the best taste and you will support local honey-producers from Romania.

Celebrate with us the World Bee Day!

Shop online @ Magic Roots

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