Dragobete, celebrating love in Romanian tradition

Oooh, February, the month of love…Valentine’s Day is now behind us, but today we are talking about Dragobete
This is the Romanian holiday that celebrates love, on February 24 (less than a month before the spring Equinox). Precisely, Dragobete is the Romanian equivalent of St Valentine.
Many ancient legends & customs surround this holiday in Romania.
Some local legends claim that Dragobete was known as half-man, half-angel, coming to earth in order to remind people to love and cheer each other, from a place of honesty.
Traditionally, on this day, boys and girls go for a walk in the woods to pick up flowers. On their way back home, boys are supposed to run after the girl they like. If the boy is fast enough and catches the girl, and if the girl allows him, they will kiss and officialise their bond in front of everybody.
Also the Romanian tradition says that any project you start on this day will have good luck on its side. Clean your house and finances on 24 Feb, make space for new love and abundance!
Another interesting custom is that unmarried girls should gather some snow and let it melt. This water has magic properties, the tradition says, and brings love and beauty.
Fun fact... It is a common belief in some parts of Romania that, during this celebration, stepping over a partner's foot leads to the dominant role in the relationship.
Last, but not least, this archaic holiday aims to promote a peace and pure perspective upon love and relationships with ourselves, our loved one and our environment also, protecting life in all its forms. Therefore, on the 24th of February, normally there should be no animal sacrifice and no act of violence.
What we enjoy the most about Dragobete is that it shows your significant other your appreciation and love with tenderness, through attention, presence and quality time spent together.
We suggest taking advantage of this moment to reconnect with our loved ones and with the nature, to cheer the sun and the blooming trees and to plant some seeds of peace and harmony.